Blackstone River Watershed-Wide Cleanup Set for April 13

A bi-state effort is planned for a watershed-wide cleanup of the Blackstone River Watershed on Saturday, April 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The Blackstone River Watershed Association (BRWA) and the Blackstone River Watershed Council/Friends of the Blackstone (BRWC/FOB) are partners with the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor (BHC) which is helping to organize the cleanup. Both watershed groups are bringing volunteers together in both Massachusetts and Rhode Island to clean and help protect the rivers, streams, ponds and lakes.

There will be some dedicated sites chosen for cleanups, but volunteers are encouraged to adopt a site and/or adopt a storm drain in their community. All three organizations are partnering on an effort to raise awareness about storm drains and how they impact water quality. Volunteers will be supplied with safety equipment and once registered, site permission and plans for removal of collected litter will be obtained.

For Massachusetts communities of the watershed, volunteers will work with the Blackstone River Watershed Association. Meet at Blackstone Heritage Corridor offices at 670 Linwood Avenue, Whitinsville, MA, for supplies and volunteer check-in. Register at For more information, on the Massachusetts portion of the cleanup, contact Bonnie Combs at

For Rhode Island communities of the watershed, volunteers will work with Blackstone River Watershed Council/Friends of the Blackstone. Volunteers will meet at either the Blackstone River Watershed Council Education Center at 100 New River Road, Manville, RI, or at Scott Pond, 19 Lower Road, Lincoln, RI. Register at For more information, contact Keith Hainley at