The Germinids Are Coming

On night flights into Green Airport from the south and west, the contrast is amazingly clear.  How the glow from urban centers, shopping plazas, industrial parks and suburban housing projects light up the landscape like uniformly placed holiday ornaments.  How that glow intensifies in major metropolitan areas.  And how suddenly it is gone as one looks to the north across rural landscapes and protected open spaces. That’s the dark sky country where one can do some serious star gazing.

There will be a great show in the night sky this week, weather permitting.  The Geminids Meteor Shower starts slowly in early December but is expected to peak on the December 13th and 14th.  After midnight, showers of shooting starts will occur until dawn in the northeastern sky at a rate of 50-80 per hour.  That’s a spectacular show.

The Geminids seem to emanate from the constellation Gemini, near the stars Castor and Pollux.   Trace a shooting star back to its point of origin and see if it falls in this sector to verify you are viewing the Geminids.

And enjoy this very special holiday light show!